Tuesday, May 15, 2012

DWTS Season 14 Week 9 - Semifinals Results

Judges wanted to see William & Cheryl's Samba a second time. It didn't impress me the first time and I felt much the same way about it the second time.....though the booty wiggles are much appreciated.

On to the elimination!

SPOILER ALERT!!!         




Yes, I'm leaving lots of space so you won't accidentally peak and see what happens next!




Katherine and Mark - SAFE! I'm so glad to hear this. They've been my favorite from day one and I'd have hated to see them eliminated over that one mistake.

Macy's Design a Dance - The Samba to Beyonce's "End of Time" starring Tristan MacManus & Chelsie Hightower. 

Samba is not one of my favorite dances but watching the pros dance together is always such great fun. I like America's choice of dancers too! Tristan MacManus's accent is just too charming (yes, I realize you can't hear him on the floor) and I have to always support my fellow shorties like Chelsie Hightower. It was a fun dance, but not to the caliber that I expect to see from two pros.

Live Performance - Alanis Morissette performed her new single, "Guardian." She looked surprisingly feminine compared to what I expected see. Of course, I haven't really kept up with her, so maybe this is usual for her now. The new song was entertaining. The two dancers from the troupe, whose names I didn't catch, certainly didn't disappoint. That was the caliber of dance that I normally expect from two pros. The male was so talented with jumps and spins and has obvious ballet training, which frankly, we don't see nearly often enough on this show.

Maria and Derek - IN JEOPARDY! Sadness! They've really started to peak, I would hate to miss the absolute top of their game.

There was a special performance from Rock of Ages with Mary J Blige, Julianne Hough and...some dude who's name I can't recall....Diego something. It's great to have Julianne back. I never really forgave her for abandoning dancing to go be a.....ugh.....country singer, but thankfully, that didn't really last. I am happy to see her dancing in a musical movie.As a child of the 80s and rocker girl at heart, I loved the musical mashup of many of my 80s favorites.....still didn't think much of Julianne's singing though....sorry. Maybe part of it was that Journey was involved and I'm sorry but there are maybe like...three people in the world that can do Steve Perry.....Mary J Blige and Julianne Hough aren't among them.

Carrie Underwood sang...some song....something about a "Good Girl."  Sorry, I don't pay attention to country music, so I have no ability or business reviewing country music, so I won't. It was fun whatever it was. The troupe was pretty darn awesome during this song. Again, their names escape me because I'm not familiar with them and even if I were, they've got foreign names I haven't a prayer in hell of spelling properly. All I know is Tristan was one of 'em.

Donald and Peta - IN JEOPARDY! I almost hate this season because everyone is so good and I don't want any of the to go.

William and Cheryl - SAFE! Don't get me wrong, I love William. He's gorgeous, sexy, charismatic, and not a bad dancer. The problem is, he's not a fantastic dancer either. I thought he probably should have gone.

Of course, they had to taunt us with commercials for a while before getting to the real nitty gritty.

The Final Standoff: 

Maria and Derek vs. Donald and Peta...this sucks. I don't want either of them to go. Even Tom Bergeron said, "No matter which way this goes....it's gonna suck."

America chose Donald and Peta to go on to the finals. I can't say I support this choice. Donald certainly doesn't dance as well as Maria by any stretch of the imagination, but as we know, everybody always loves an athlete. Pin It

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